David Langr


Birthday – June 20

Hometown – Gloversville, NY

Family Status – Married

Children – 2/Maddie and Molly

Pets – 1 Dog/ a Bichon named Oliver

Education – Master of Music from the Manhattan School of Music

Years served in the orchestra – 12

Town most recently lived in (if you came from out of town) – Charleston, WV

Self-Portrait adjectives – patient, hard working

Favorite quote – In wildness is the preservation of the world.-Thoreau

Greatest accomplishment – raising 2 wonderful daughters

Favorite composer – Mahler

Favorite composition – any of the Mahler Symphonies (lucky me with the Mahler cycle coming up)

Walter Mitty Fantasy – A year in the wilderness

Inspiration – The beauty and diverse landscape that surrounds us here in Utah

Favorite Movies – Borat

Favorite Books (or authors) – Stephen Hawking

Favorite Foods – anything from the Red Iguana

Hobbies – Collecting minerals, Hiking, Auto repair

Place you’d most like to be stranded – Escalante

Most influential teacher (in music or any other area) – Rachmael Weinstock, my violin professor at Manhattan School of Music

Professional experience before the Orchestra – Concertmaster of the Fort Wayne Philharmonic, the Denver Chamber Orchestra, and the West Virginia Symphony Orchestra

Luxury defined – Having enough time to do everything I daydream about

If I didn’t play the ______, I’d play the _________. – Violin, Oboe

If I weren’t a professional Musician I’d be a __________. – Geologist

Most memorable moment in the orchestra – Winning the Halloween Costume Contest dressed as Octomom

What do you want the Community to know about us, or our job? – How much we value our audience, and our community.

Your best quickie ‘parting shot’ – I am so lucky to be able to play in this great orchestra, and live in such a beautiful state.